Mission Critical Linux is one of the founders of the "Linux Industrial Association" (LIPSZ)
and a member of the "Linux-felhasználók Magyarországi Egyesülete" (LME)
Mission Critical Linux Kft. offers Apple-products
Mission Critical Linux Kft. has become an official reseller of Apple-products.
"It may be unexpected to many people that a Linux-company starts selling Macintoshes. But the two things are not too far from each other if we know that MacOS X is a BSD-based operating system. We experience that there is a potential client-base who really require the quality and comfort provided by the Macintosh. However we primarily still concentrate on the server market, we offer the full Mac product range: from the handheld iPods through the new MacMinis and the powerful desktop machines up to the Xserve server family." - commented on the news Csaba Bodnár, general manager of Mission Critical Linux Kft.
Mission Critical Linux Ltd
Office:H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 48. III/6.
POB:H-1368 Budapest 5. Pf. 213.
Fax.+36.1.438.41.02 info