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Services, page 3
mclx Friday 19 October 2007

| Cluster technology | Deployment Services | Technical Support |

MCLX Deployment Services


Several years of market experience
Skilled professionals
A solid foundation: the Linux operating system
Cost-effective solutions
Interoperability with other systems


We have been performing deployment services for years now - to our customers' satisfaction. The combination of our professional and market knowledge, our skilled experts and the open-source solutions guarantees that our customers have high-quality, cost-effective solutions of stable value.

Several years of market experience

Our company, Mission Critical Linux has been active in Hungary for years. By consulting constantly with our customers, we have gained extensive market knowledge: we know the typical user needs, requirements and the nearly limitless possibilities of Linux. Thus we can provide our services at a quality and price level that meets the requirements of our customers best.

The deployment of a system is preceded by a - usually personal - interview and requirements assessment. This ensures that the customer gets exactly the pictured solution. This is followed by the preparation of a customized quote. Upon ordering, the installation and in-depth testing of the system follows. Our experts will only consider the job finished if the customer is assured that the various components work perfectly and is satisfied with the deployed system.

Skilled professionals

Our engineering team consists of experts with related professional university degrees. They have several years of experience in installing and configuring Linux-based systems, also in solving related tasks and potential problems.

A solid foundation: the Linux operating system

Linux is a mature, solid, reliable multi-purpose operating system that performs well in any role of the enterprise IT infrastructure. As far as we noticed, most of the users apply Linux servers for the following roles:

Firewall: By combining the stateful packet filters available in Linux with various proxy solutions and other security software components (intruder detection systems (IDS), tripwire, syslog-ng, etc.) a cost-effective firewall solution of adequate security can be built.

Web server: Linux + Apache = the most widespread web serving solution in the world that is capable of everything that can be required from such a server. If the popularity of our customers' web site becomes so large that one server cannot cope with the load anymore, by using Linux components and LVS software we can build a web farm the performance of which can be scaled in a linear way by adding more servers.

Mail server: The Linux distributions include various kinds of mail server software (exim, postfix, qmail, sendmail, etc.), from which we choose the one meeting the requirements best by consulting with the customer. Most of the users require virus checking of the messages and it is also possible to filter out unwanted bulk messages (spam).

File and print server: Experience and the latest benchmark results show that a Linux system running Samba can yield the same file and print serving performance as any other operating system of similar functionality - not talking about the excellent stability.

Database server: Most of the popular database management system (DBMS) software has a Linux version and many of them use Linux as their primary development platform. Before installing the system, we will consider which Linux distributions the given DBMS support.

Application server: Application development systems already existing for other systems are published for Linux one after the other. The global trends point towards using open, standards-based development tools (Web-based user interfaces, Java, PHP, Flash, etc.). All this means that it becomes easier and easier to port the existing applications to Linux or develop them under Linux in the first place. The several thousands of small and large applications that the Linux distributions include are also tempting to use Linux as application servers.

High availability (HA): Every company has applications and databases without which it cannot operate, that are critical for the business. In this case - in order to minimize outages - high availability computer systems can be built. Such systems can be built using Linux servers. Mission Critical Linux has been deploying HA solutions and providing technical support for them for years.

High-performance scientific/technical clustering: Linux has changed they way how tasks requiring a huge processing capacity (mathematical, physical, meteorological, graphical calculations, etc.) are solved. While earlier very expensive supercomputers were needed for such purposes, today cheap, Linux-based (so-called Beowulf-type) clusters can provide the same performance so they are favored at universities or research institutes.

Routing, bandwidth-sharing: As a router, Linux can be a match for the dedicated solutions of even the most famous companies, both in functionality and in speed. It is possible to utilize the available Internet access optimally by restricting the bandwidth of the various types of traffic (QOS).

Virtual private networks (VPN): By using the Linux-based freeswan software a standard-based virtual private network of the highest quality can be built between the sites of a company, protecting the traffic going through the Internet from unwanted 'tapping'.

Cost-effective solutions

Depending on the selected distribution, the software procurement costs of our Linux-based systems are minimal - or even zero. The same is true about the regular software upgrades. Installation costs are comparable with those for other systems, they are fully competitive. All in all, we can safely say that by installing Linux-based systems, our customers benefit from a cost-effective solution with very good price/performance.

Interoperability with other systems

Linux and the applications running under Linux use industry or de facto standards that make it very easy to integrate them into an existing heterogeneous enterprise system. They can work together with most about any operating systems, including Windows, Mac, NetWare and UNIX workstations and servers.

Our experts have the necessary experience in performing such integration tasks; thus in a large project it may very well be possible that they install and configure not only Linux but the other operating systems as well.


All our system deployment engagements include the following services:

  • installation of the latest stable Linux distribution - selected together with the customer
  • installation of the latest security upgrades
  • full-scale testing and checks
  • performing the necessary security configurations
  • 2 hours of operator training
  • remote installation of the security patches within 1 month from the installation
  • 3 month of deployment warranty

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What kind of firewall solution do you use?

Packet Filter

Stateful Packet Filter

Application Level Firewall

I don't use a firewall

I don't know...

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Mission Critical Linux Ltd
Office:H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 48. III/6.
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Phone:+36.1.438.41.00 Fax.+36.1.438.41.02

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