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Mission Critical Linux is one of the founders of the "Linux Industrial Association" (LIPSZ)

and a member of the "Linux-felhasználók Magyarországi Egyesülete" (LME)
Middle Europe's leading firewall product in the offerings of Mission Critical Linux Kft.
The company lays more emphasis on the Zorp firewall software - developed in Middle Europe - in its product range. MCLX plans to solve the full-range protection of its clients' networks against the dangers of the internet with the help of the firewall solution based on world-class tecnology.

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Posted by: dani : Friday 15 April 2005 - 16:12:12 | Read/Post Comment: 0 email to someone printer friendly

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What kind of firewall solution do you use?

Packet Filter

Stateful Packet Filter

Application Level Firewall

I don't use a firewall

I don't know...

Votes: 237
Old Surveys
Mission Critical Linux Ltd
Office:H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 48. III/6.
POB:H-1368 Budapest 5. Pf. 213.
Phone:+36.1.438.41.00 Fax.+36.1.438.41.02

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.