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Association Membership
Mission Critical Linux is one of the founders of the "Linux Industrial Association" (LIPSZ)

and a member of the "Linux-felhasználók Magyarországi Egyesülete" (LME)
Category: MCLX Partners [MCLX Ltd's partners] (22)
BalaBit BalaBit http://www.balabit.hu Referrals: 4426
Balabit Kft
Deltha Deltha http://www.deltha.hu Referrals: 3870
BME Information Systems BME Information Systems http://www.mit.bme.hu Referrals: 5144
BME Information Systems
IBM IBM http://www.ibm.hu Referrals: 4951
LME LME http://www.lme.hu Referrals: 4758
Oracle Hungary Oracle Hungary http://www.oracle.hu Referrals: 4525
Oracle Hungary
Profis Profis http://www.profis.hu Referrals: 4249
SoftWare Station SoftWare Station http://www.swsbooks.hu Referrals: 4505
SoftWare Station
SuSE Hungary SuSE Hungary http://www.suselinux.hu Referrals: 4836
SuSE Hungary
Iris Ceramica Iris Ceramica http://www.irisceramica.it Referrals: 8884
Iris Ceramica
Symantec Hungary Symantec Hungary http://www.symantec.hu Referrals: 4914
Symantec Hungary
Bull Italy Bull Italy http://www.bull.it Referrals: 4162
Bull Italy
WTI WTI http://www.wti.com Referrals: 8629
Western Telematic Inc.
Computer Communication System Computer Communication System http://www.ccs.pl Referrals: 4390
Computer Communication System
Singularity Ltd Singularity Ltd http://www.singularity.sk Referrals: 4405
Singularity Ltd
Alcatel Romania Alcatel Romania https://www.alcatel.com Referrals: 4985
Alcatel Romania
CORE Computer CORE Computer http://www.core.cz Referrals: 20698
CORE Computer - Prague, Czech Republic
SMART COM SMART COM http://www.smart-com.si Referrals: 5223
SMART COM - Ljubljana, Sovenia
NIL Data Communications NIL Data Communications http://www.nil.si Referrals: 4092
NIL Data Communications - Ljubljana, Sovenia
Mrezne technologije VERSO Mrezne technologije VERSO http://www.verso.hr Referrals: 5092
Mrezne technologije VERSO - Zagreb, Croatia
EuroproNET Bosnia EuroproNET Bosnia http://www.europronet.ba Referrals: 4486
EuroproNET Bosnia - Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
netADmin Ltd. netADmin Ltd. http://www.netadmin.hu Referrals: 3799
netADmin Ltd.

What kind of firewall solution do you use?

Packet Filter

Stateful Packet Filter

Application Level Firewall

I don't use a firewall

I don't know...

Votes: 237
Old Surveys
Mission Critical Linux Ltd
Office:H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 48. III/6.
POB:H-1368 Budapest 5. Pf. 213.
Phone:+36.1.438.41.00 Fax.+36.1.438.41.02

Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.