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Association Membership
Mission Critical Linux is one of the founders of the "Linux Industrial Association" (LIPSZ)

and a member of the "Linux-felhasználók Magyarországi Egyesülete" (LME)
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  About us
The aim of Mission Critical Linux Kft is to help the spread of the Linux operating system in Hungary through providing professional Linux services.
mclx, Thursday 07 February 2008
Not rated
mclx, Friday 19 October 2007
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MCLX Linux-training
Mission Critical Linux Kft. provides the following Linux-training services: Beginner Linux system administrator Advanced Linux system administrator Cluster training
mclx, Thursday 18 October 2007
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dani, Monday 22 August 2005
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What kind of firewall solution do you use?

Packet Filter

Stateful Packet Filter

Application Level Firewall

I don't use a firewall

I don't know...

Votes: 237
Old Surveys
Mission Critical Linux Ltd
Office:H-1132 Budapest, Visegrádi u. 48. III/6.
POB:H-1368 Budapest 5. Pf. 213.
Phone:+36.1.438.41.00 Fax.+36.1.438.41.02

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